Of Ants and Dinosaurs Page 16
‘Not really. It seemed rather complicated. War broke out in the dinosaur world, and then between the dinosaurs and the ants.’ The second ant paused. ‘And then two suns appeared on Earth.’
The first ant shivered in the cold wind. ‘Oh, a new sun would be great right now.’
‘You really didn’t get it, did you! The two suns were terrible. Way too hot. They incinerated everything on Earth.’
‘Then why is it so cold now?’
‘It’s confusing, but I think it goes something like this. For a time after the two suns appeared, the world was, as you’d expect, very hot. So hot that the parts of the Earth’s crust closest to the suns became molten. Then all the seawater that had evaporated in the heat fell as rain for more than a hundred years, causing catastrophic flooding across the planet. After that, the dust that had been lifted into the atmosphere by the explosion of the new suns blocked the light of the old sun, and the world became cold, even colder than before the two suns appeared – the way it is today. The dinosaurs were big – very big; humongous big – so naturally they all died during those terrible times, but some ants survived by burrowing underground.’
‘Wouldn’t it be great if antkind could re-create the Age of Wonder. Just think…!’
‘Yeah, it would. But from what they were saying last night, that’s never going to happen. Our brains are too small, and we can only think as a group, so we don’t have the capacity to invent amazing new technology. And all the ancient technological knowhow has been forgotten.’
‘If only ants could still read, we could study the books from back then and rediscover the knowhow that way. Some of us were able to read even up until quite recently, apparently – did you know that? But not any more.’
‘We’re regressing. At this rate, we’ll soon just be tiny little insects that know nothing except how to build nests and forage for food.’
‘What’s so bad about that? When times are hard, like they are now, what’s the use of knowing stuff?’
Both ants fell silent for a long while.
‘D’you think there’ll ever come a day when the world is warm again and some other animal brings about another Age of Wonder?’
‘It’s possible. Such an animal would have to have a large brain and dexterous hands.’
‘Right. And it couldn’t be as big as the dinosaurs. They ate too much. Life would be very difficult for an animal that size.’
‘But it couldn’t be as small as us, either, or its brain wouldn’t be powerful enough.’
‘D’you think such a miraculous creature might emerge?’
‘I think it will. Time is endless. Everything comes to pass eventually, I tell you. Everything comes to pass.’
About the Author
CIXIN LIU is China’s #1 SF writer and author of The Three-Body Problem – the first ever translated novel to win a Hugo Award. Prior to becoming a writer, Liu worked as an engineer in a power plant in Yangquan.
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